The Legacy

Weiller and Williams Co. Ltd was one of the oldest cattle commission companies in North America. Weiller and Williams Ltd. still operates in Edmonton and another company, Weiller and Williams Livestock Products, has its head office in Winnipeg. Not enough can be said about pioneers like Henry Weiller and Lee Williams – men who took personal risks to create strong healthy industries and to build up their communities.

Lee is also remembered for his horse racing contributions. A year before his death at the age of 89, he received well-earned recognition when he was inducted in to the National Horse Racing Hall of Fame in 1981. Two years after his death, in 1984, he was also inducted into the Edmonton Northlands Hall of Fame.

When Lee was 81, a journalist from the Lethbridge Herald described him.

“Lee Williams is broad at the shoulders, with a barrel chest, and towers over six feet. His face is square and the skin hangs in heavy folds from long years of wear. But his eyes are young, blue and full of twinkle and still recognize a good animal when they see one.”

Image Credits: Lee Williams in his office at the Edmonton Stockyards, ca. 1980, Musée Héritage Museum