Grain Elevators
St. Albert is home to two “Sentinels of the Prairies” visible along Meadowview Drive at St. Albert’s Historic River Lots + Grain Elevators. Our Brackman-Ker Grain Elevator (built in 1906) and Alberta Wheat Pool Grain Elevator (built in 1929) have been beautifully restored and are provincially designated historic resources.
Visitors can meet an interpreter inside the replica Train Station. They can try their hand at Morse Code and other historic activities before touring the elevators and learning about St. Albert’s extensive rail and agricultural history.
Hours of Operation:
Wednesdays through Sundays (and Holiday Mondays) 10 am – 5 pm, free entry. St. Albert’s Historic River Lots + Grain Elevators is a seasonal site.
We are open from the May long weekend to the September long weekend.
Barrier-free access with ramps (elevator in the train station)