Field Trips
Book a field trip today!
Our school field trip programming complements and integrates the Alberta Curriculum with activities that bring cultural history and art to life. They provoke discussion and enrich learning in social studies, language arts and science through art and history, including Indigenous culture and history. Options include field trips to our facilities, in-school or community centre visits and virtual sessions for distant learners. Our sessions are facilitated by professional art and history educators including our highly respected Indigenous Programmers.
We strive to make our programs accessible and if you require financial assistance please ask about the Beryl Madden Field Trip Fund. Please find information on field trip fees here.
To book a field trip experience or to inquire about specialized programming, contact our Program Registrar at: 780-459-1163
We want to hear from you! We are looking for critical feedback so that we can provide support for teachers and students with the new Alberta curriculum. Complete a short survey here.
Teacher Login
If you don't have an account, please make a teacher account to sign up for the field trip. If you already have one, just log in. Thanks!
Login to Existing Teacher AccountHaving trouble signing up or registering for a program? Send an email to registration@artsandheritage.cand we can help you out!