About the Archives

The Musée Héritage Museum Archives acquires and preserves archival material significant to the memory of St. Albert and area. The archival holdings include over 100 metres of material including personal papers, oral histories, municipal records, business and community organization records. The material includes thousands of photographs, negatives and slides as well as ledgers, manuscripts, letters, maps, cassette tapes, videocassettes and digital files. Archival holdings are rare, original and unpublished, so much care is taken to preserve the material. The archives is also in the process of digitizing its holdings so the material can be more easily accessible to the public.
In addition to the archives, the Musée Héritage Museum has a special library. This library consists of over 1000 books that are unique to the history of Alberta and St. Albert. The books are non-circulating but available for reading at the museum.
The archives are available to the public Tuesday–Friday, 10am–5pm . Appointments are recommended. Reference requests can be conducted via e-mail, telephone, mail, and in person. A research request form may also be filled out and scanned to us here.
What is in the Musée Héritage Museum’s Holdings?
Our archival holdings can be found on our online database.
A fonds is a Canadian term used to indicate the entire body of records, in all formats of an organization, family or individual that have been preserved in an archives. Collections are similar aggregations of records that were accumulated on purpose by individuals and groups.
We have amassed a variety of fonds and collections from different people and organizations over the years, with our largest set of records from the City of St. Albert and the St. Albert Historical Society.
Contact: Musée Héritage Museum, 5 St. Anne St. St. Albert, AB T8N 3Z9. | archives@artsandheritage.ca | 780-459-1528
List of fonds and collections held at the Musée Héritage Museum
This is a sample of what we have to offer, for a more in depth look at our records, please visit our archives database listed above.- Brigadier-General Raymond Brutinel fonds
- Edmon Pratt, OMI fonds (photographs pertaining to residential schools)
- Victor Post fonds
- Weiller & Williams Co. Ltd. fonds (Learn more about the collection of Weiller & Williams Co. Ltd. archival materials and artifacts.)