About Us

The Arts and Heritage Foundation of St. Albert (AHF) provides exceptional arts and heritage experiences in the community. The Foundation is an independent registered charity which operates the Art Gallery of St. Albert, Musée Héritage Museum, Little White School and St. Albert's Historic River Lots + Grain Elevators for the public on behalf of the City of St. Albert.  AHF also operates the provincially owned Father Lacombe Chapel on behalf of the Government of Alberta.



To provide exceptional arts and heritage experiences in the community.



To play a prominent leadership role in fostering a thriving arts and heritage community.



  • Service – Serving the Community
  • Commitment – Living the Mission
  • Responsiveness – Listening and building relationships. Open to opportunity
  • Innovation – Seeking change through innovation and creativity
  • Integrity – Modelling integrity and accountability
  • Fairness – Embracing equity


Musée Héritage Museum Mandate:

The Musée Héritage Museum is the keeper of the history, traditions and heritage of St Albert and district. Together with the community we build knowledge, explore our relationship with the natural environment, and celebrate historic diversity.


Art Gallery of St. Albert Mandate:

Art Gallery of St. Albert strives to provide enriching educational experiences that celebrate visual culture and artistic achievement through research, exhibition and interpretation. Exhibitions celebrate diversity, providing vision, inspiration and education for the community.







Annual Membership - Family (Donations can be made at checkout) Default Title - Arts and Heritage St. Albert
