Threading through time
Raneece Buddan
March 14 to April 25, 2024
Traditional crafts, stories and practices merge and fracture in Raneece Buddan’s work. A Jamaican visual artist who resides in amiswaciwâskahikan (Edmonton), her practice investigates her identity, history and ancestry through an ever-growing medley of media.
Her pieces are a hybrid of the past and present, the artist and her ancestors, celebrating an ever-expanding complexity. Buddan knows her own story through her practice, discovering the joy of being one formed from many.
Image credit: Raneece Buddan, To fit but to stand out, 2022, oil paint on baltic birch, fabric, ceramic, synthetic hair, 5’x2'. Photographed by Charles Cousin; Portrait of Raneece Buddan by Aliya Logun; Raneece Buddan, Desiderium Exhibition, 2022, left to right-Woven Portraits,Okene,Woven Portraits,Ilkal.