About Bison Types and the Michif Language
How come my teacher calls them bison?
In our language, Michif, we call them "paskwa moshtosh", some people also say “lii buffloo”. Bison is what scientists call them. There are two kinds of buffalo, plains bison in the south and wood bison in the north. Some people think they were named after a different kind of ani-mal with horns they called a buffalo, that live in Europe. Lots of people here still call them buffalo. They are wonderful animals, my boy.
Pourquoi mon professeur les appelle-t-il « bisons »?
Dans notre langue, le michif, nous les appelons lii buflo. Dans le langage scientifique, on les appelle « bisons ». Il y a deux sortes de buflo, le bison des plaines, au sud, et le bison des bois, au nord. Certains pensent que leur nom vient d’une autre espèce d’animal à cornes, le buffle, qui vit en Europe. On entend encore des gens les appeler des buffles. Ce sont des animaux merveilleux mon garçon.
Tânêhki oma ni kiskino’humâkew ka sêhkâtâht âniki paskwâw’mostos?
Kêyanâw oma pêkis’kwewin, Michif, nêyanân êsêhkâtâyakik “lii buflo”. Paskwâw’mostos ânima âyinêsew’êniwak misiwe’uskê kichi êsêhkâtachik. Âya âniki nêso tântowa lii buflo, paskwâw’mostosuk ântê sâwanohk mêna sâkâw paskwâw’mostosuk ântê kêwêtinohk. Âtêht âyisênêwak e têhtâkik ekonânki kê sêhkâtêchik kichi kotuk pêhtos tântowa âniki pisisikiw usichi mites’kuna âniki kâ sêhkâtêchik paskwâw’mostos, kâ wêkichik ântê Europe. Mêchêt âyisênêwak ota kêyapich sêhkâtêwak ekonânki paskwâw’mostosuk. Ekonânki mitoni mêyo pisisikiwa, ni napesis.
Bison, Canadian Wildlife (English), video
Bison, Canadian Wildlife (French), video
Plains or Woods Bison, what's the difference? Article
Overview of Parks Canada Bison history, article
Bison Skull from the Ice Age, video